CSR Activities

Corporate Social Responsibility

Rural Women Empowerment

Earthsave Pvt Ltd was founded with the very intention to give back, to contribute. To give back to our Society, to our Country, to our Universe.

The very heart and soul of this organization, as the name so aptly suggests is to Save. Our Motto: Help Earth Save Us. We, in all humility, believe and understand, Who are we to save our mother Earth? Rather it is the Earth, which can help save us. And we strive as instruments to do our bit.

Offering employment to unskilled women from the weakest link of our society, training them, making them self reliant is our way to contribute to the Society.

We have set up factories in rural and semi-rural locations, thereby providing local employment, having infused more than 300 lakhs in the rural economy, using 100% indigenous raw materials, processing the same and creating world-class products which are now being exported, are ways we have deployed to contribute to the growth of India.

Manufacturing 100% Cotton Cloth bags to replace single-use plastic is our major contribution to our environment. We are soon launching products made using 100% natural fabrics to replace Shopping Bags, School Bags, Backpacks, Laptop Bags.. and more.

With this core intention, we have continued to actively participate in various avenues to contribute our bit.

Happy World Foundation

We supplied Eco Bags and extended our support to Happy World Foundation, which had pledged to plant 1 lakh saplings under the guidance of Dr. Tejaswini Ananthkumar.

  • Green Initiative With BBMP

    Participated in the awareness seminar initiated by BBMP and chaired by Mr. Subhash Adi, the Chairman of NGT. Explaining to the general public the need to avoid plastic and to switch to cotton cloth bags instead.

    We also distributed bags to the Pourkarmikas present there as a token of our appreciation, initiating them into using cloth bags and leading by example in their local community centres.

  • Samarth Training - Partnered With Govt Of Karnataka

    We have partnered with KSTIDCL under the Samarth Scheme, trained close to 1000 freshers, basically unskilled rural women in not only sewing but also in other areas including cutting, checking, printing etc.. and have offered employment to them.

  • Sharing Happiness With Under Privileged Kids

    Celebrating our milestones with the less privileged, especially children has been the cornerstone of our culture at Earthsave. We don’t let these opportunities go by without engaging ourselves with some such initiatives, we also consciously make it a point to involve our children into these, to inculcate in them similar values.

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Covid 19 Response

The ongoing pandemic has brought the entire world to its knees, we have sincerely tried in many ways possible to ease the anguish and suffering of the public in general.

Supplied Protective Masks for free distribution to the RR Nagar Labour Camps, to the general populace at the onset of Covid-19.  We also distributed free masks at the Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences.

Covid Kit, comprising of a month’s ration, with masks and sanitizer was distributed amongst factory workers.

We reached out to our Corona Warriors, especially the Bangalore Police, and as a sign of our deep gratitude gave them Masks and Shopping Bags.

Many more such activities form a part of our work ethos and we will continue to make a difference wherever and whenever possible.

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Help Earth Save Us.